Sunday, March 3, 2019

Project Scheduling

 Image result for shooting schedule for movie
The last thing we want to do is procrastinate on this project, which is why we want to have a timeline to divide all our tasks and spread it out evenly so we don't stress out about it on certain moments. If there is anyone who knows about procrastination its the queen herself, me. Honestly, I don't think my team can handle the last minute, stressful, no sleep, workload like I can, which is why building a schedule is our number two priority at the moment. Only I can go days without sleep to then hibernate on a weekend, it's kind of like a superpower if I do say so myself.
How could we do this we asked ourselves?


"Project scheduling is important because it is an integral part of the project planning process. A project can not run without a project plan. Scheduling establishes the timelines, delivery, and availability of project resources, whether they be personal, inventory or capital."  as stated by BizFluent

We believe this at its entirety, without having preplanned thoughts, ideas, or scheduling information, when it comes to actually film, we will be backed up and take more time fixing it at the moment. 
The following image is of a timeline we want to replicate and how we want it to be. It is not only easy to look at it has all the information necessary for us to complete this project.

It will also help when it comes to our actors, as they are also informed about what we are doing and when.

This example is of one timeline that is extremely simple yet understandable. Following this type of timeline is what we want to reciprocate.
Related image

We are currently making a calendar to plan out exactly when we want our things done:

Our main goals are to have
-The storyboard done by March 8th
-Begin filming by March 12th

We will meet this weekend and have officially set 16 days to finish mark, allowing us to have time to fix any mistakes and make our project perfect.

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