Who knew that coming up with a film opening was hard to decide on. Although everyone in my group has a great imagination, bringing all our ideas together creates a giant mixture of undecided ideas. We all came preprepared with ideas of what we could film, set on our own openings and expecting an okay from the rest of the team. Unfortuanlty, in those situations we hear the harsh critiques of the rest of the group members and learn that not all our ideas are the best one. Which in my case, thinking my idea was stellar, ouch.
Then this happened:

One enlighting moment was when we all brought in the theme of drama and terror into the picture. Having a film opening that keeps the audience's eyes plastered onto the screen is our main goal. Our intentions are to create an addiction to the narrative, have audiences hooked on every word that comes out of the characters mouth.
The only problem we felt is that this type of piece was going to be popular in the AICE Media world. Without a doubt, we reassured ourselves that our opening was going to be the best one placed in the eyes of the viewers. How are we going to do this you ask? Well, instead of trying to brainstorm separately we were are going to come together and bounce ideas of off each other until one stuck to the screen, literally. With our imaginations and creativity together, there's no doubt that the best film opening is about to be placed in your eyes.
We thought of other film openings that attracted the audience to see the rest of the film and made the viewers interested in what they watch. Our first thought was of "A Quiet Place." This technique for a film opening makes the audience glued to the screen waiting to see what's about to happen next. Another great film opening is Psycho (1960), it has a lot of symbolism and foreshadowing events that will happen throughout the film.