- Genre: Drama
- The content in drama films exhibits real-life
situations with realistic characters, settings, and storylines. Drama
films also show characters in a conflict with either themselves or an
opposing force.
- The production of the drama would need to have
an in-depth character development, allowing the audience to feel a
connection between themselves and the character. The tone in the film
should be suspenseful, creating a deeper feeling within the piece and
those watching it. The audience should be able to feel the characters
emotions and become indulged in the plot. Dramas can be intertwined with
different genres, however, a true drama film is centered around the
suspenseful plot and the conflict which makes up the piece.
- The genre drama is marketed in a way that the
audience can relate too. When seeing an advertisement for a film in which
the main character is going through similar conflicts, the viewer will be
intrigued by the way they are going through it and how they are resolving
it. The main purpose of a drama is to have the audience engaged and
purposely watching the piece. If the piece cannot be related to or is
somewhat unrealistic to the daily world then it is most likely that the
viewer will not appreciate the film as much.
- The abusive relationship- This particular plot
will be surrounded by a young girl who is abused by her father. Since this
topic can be sometimes shied away from the public, it can be hard to
express. Drama is surrounded by this plot as it is a young girl finding a
way to detach herself from this abusive relationship. The hardest part is
leaving her only parental figure behind and having to find a new home.
This young girl after being so mentally and physically abused will not
only have internal conflicts she will also have external as having to
learn how to cope with a different lifestyle. This plot has realistic
characters and realistic situations that have both external and internal
conflicts. All these elements come together to create what is known as a
drama. The overall situation of the young girl can be seen through
multiple lights and audiences connection with her would be profoundly
- Come home- This
specific opening will be surrounded by a mother who is currently deployed
at war. A war scene will be taking place and the mother will be holding
her necklace which has a picture of her two children. This automatically
creates a deeper connection between the audience and the characters in the
family. The suspenseful notion of whether she will come home after
the war to reunite with her children is what will keep the plot going and
the audience engaged. The drama will be surrounded by the hardships of the
war and the children suffering without their parental figure. Since there
are multiple veteran families that have related to this and it a soft
topic for others to talk about, this film opening will create a
heartwarming and dramatic spot for the audience.
- Film examples:
- Saving Private Ryan
- Black Swan
-Million Dollar Baby